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Writer's pictureCPCG

More Twists and Turns in the Saga.

Updated: Jun 15, 2021


June 2021

Latest Information on the White Lion Crays Pond.

As you are aware from previous communications the Group was advised by SODC that the owner of the White Lion had advised them, as he is legally obliged to do, that it was his intention to sell the pub.

As you also know from the last newsletters a Community Interest Company (CIC) was set up and then the CIC made the owner a formal written offer.

The owner has told us that he was withdrawing the pub from sale and has now made a formal notification to SODC to that effect. This puts an end to the six month moratorium period.

The terms of the ACV listing remain in place and the owner must still advise SODC of any future intention to offer the pub for sale. There would then be a new moratorium period of six months when the owner may not sell to anyone else.

We have informed the owner that our offer remains on the table

More Positive News.

The last Newsletter and Blog were the most successful yet with supporters reading the Newsletter by Email and the Blog being open to all being viewed over 300 times.

As usual we announce the Blog on local community sites and most of the Blog views will come from those sources. This shows the level of local interest on the future of the White Lion remains strong.

We are also very grateful for those Individuals who went the extra mile and used the Fundraising page to intimate that they were interested to be financially involved in the project.

The level of support received was fantastic, and we mean REALLY FANTASTIC and again shows the community backs the aims of the group in purchasing the White Lion as a Community based Pub and Venue.

This community support will allow us to continue with our aim.

The fundraising page can be accessed on the website by using the link below

And finally…..just a reminder of our Aims

We know you want the White Lion back up and running, so do we, and we are doing all we can to achieve this.. We support not only the purchase of the pub by the community BUT ALSO the pub opening up again and being run on a sustainable commercial basis by others.

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jun 14, 2021

Unfortunately, people like this always seem to know the laws etc., and still manage to get away with what they want. I think that maybe the Government needs to step in, we have lost so many local pubs, shops etc., that, as a community, you do not get to meet other villagers, as there is no where to go on a daily basis, like going for a drink, or popping to the shop. It is so sad. Life will be very different in the future, I think.

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